Saturday, January 25, 2014

Akwaaba (welcome)!

Akwaaba! Welcome to the official blog for our Project CURA trip to Ghana this summer! On May 25, 2014, six of us first year Creighton University medical students will be traveling to Ghana on a medical service trip. We will be spending five weeks volunteering with local organizations that provide medical care and public health education to the community. We will spend two weeks of the trip working with Dr. Jean Young, and American physician and director of the Saboba Medical Centre. This rural clinic services a population of over 120,000 people in the Northeastern part of the country near the Togo border. In Saboba, we will work with locally trained medical providers, assisting and observing various areas of medicine including acute care, surgery, OB/GYN, and pediatrics. The remainder of our time spent in Ghana will include service work with local NGO Light for Children - an organization based in Kumasi that provides support to vulnerable and disadvantaged children, especially those who are HIV-positive. We plan to engage in outreach work involving basic medical exams and educating others on topics such as basic hygiene techniques, typhoid fever and malaria prevention, and sexual health.

Our team goals for the trip:
  • To make a meaningful contribution to the needs of the local community through education, applicable medical assistance, and providing necessary resources,
  • To increase our understanding of global medicine and learn new concepts of clinical practice,
  • To increase our awareness of healthcare needs of underserved populations and to collaborate with others on how to best provide for these people.
Ghana 2014 trip members, from left to right:
Gary, Lauren, Janae (trip leader), John, Ryan, and Patrick

What is Project CURA? 
Project CURA stands for Creighton United in Relief Assistance. It is a medical student-run organization at Creighton University School of Medicine that was established in 2001. The pillars of CURA encompass the ideas of service, simplicity, cultural immersion, and community. Project CURA seeks to deepen our understanding of global realities and health disparities, inspire personal growth and reflection in students, and create avenues for deep and meaningful service-learning opportunities by fostering long-term partnerships between host communities and Creighton medical students, both in the  greater Omaha/eastern Nebraska region and internationally. This year students are traveling to Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Romania, and Vietnam/Cambodia.   

Please support our Project CURA trip to Ghana this summer, and check back as we update our blog with more information about the trip!